Jolene & the Homewreckers

Location: Franklin

Date: May 31, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Cost: Free

Are you also glad that flare bottom jeans and mullets are back? 
Do you love classic old school 90s country feels? [we didn’t use a plural form of this word back then]
Head to the last little bit of Franklin that still looks exactly the same as it did when Mr. Gatti’s was there. Plus a Starbucks, but those spread like kudzu….
A stacked lineup of opening acts including Madison Grumbles, Lauren Balthrop, and Stevie Rae Stevens will each bring their own unique blends of Joni Mitchell, Emmylou Harris, Phoebe Bridgers vibes followed by local fav Red Clark! 
Jolene & the Homewreckers bring it all together with a full band featuring the fabulous acts who opened the show, covering their favorite artists like Sheryl Crow and Fleetwood Mac.
And find yourself singing along to songs you didn’t know you didn’t know yet from Jolene’s original repertoire.
Fresh off the road with Rodney Crowell – and yep – named after the song when dad Donivan Cowart was Dolly’s sound man – Jolene brings a fun show!

595 Hillsboro Rd #321
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
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