Lauren Ward
Lauren is one of the friendliest people you’ll meet! Don’t believe us? Well, her high school class did name her “Most Congenial.”
You’ll know Lauren is the Vice President of Marketing and Communications because she’s always quick to share a story. She claims Cookie Monster as her spirit animal, so don’t be surprised when her tales about Franklin take a turn towards where to get the best chocolate chip cookies.
Before she came to Visit Franklin, Lauren worked for an award-winning, full-service public relations firm, but that doesn’t mean she was above dancing in a panda suit while riding down the river, or donning a hazmat suit to guide journalists into asbestos-infested buildings. Whatever it takes to get the story told!
The University of Tennessee graduate (Go Vols!) loves searching out scenic running spots around town and finding the best date night patio spots with her husband. Her biggest fitness routine, though, comes from chasing her two young boys around their house before settling in for nighttime tales like Llama Llama Nighty Night and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, which she can recite without even looking at the book!