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Nolensville Farmers Market

Historic Nolensville School 7248 Nolensville Rd., Nolensville

Producer-only farmers market, including produce, meat, eggs, baked goods, food trucks, arts and crafts and so much community! Fun events regularly – so follow along our social meda.


Factory Farmers Market

Enjoy the Farmers Market at The Factory, every Wednesday through October! Featuring local area produce, meats, dairy, honey, baked goods, crafts, kids activities, and so much more – add a […]


Faith of Franklin

Franklin Walking Tours Franklin UMC 148 5th Ave. S, Franklin

This walking tour explores Franklin’s first communities of faith, visiting several historic churches still standing.

$15 – $20

Fall Family Fun Fest

Pick the perfect pumpkin at Tennessee's largest petting farm and fun park – Lucky Ladd Farms.  The award-winning farm park has become a fall family tradition for many Middle Tennesseans, […]

Go to for ticket prices.

Fall Visit to Gentry’s Farm

Gentry Farm 1974 New Hwy 96 W, Franklin

Select dates September 28 – October 28: Visit the pumpkin patch at this century-old farm, an essential Franklin fall tradition!


Tea in the Trees

Join us as we serve a traditional English Style Tea in the Orchard! Hot tea and refreshments are just the beginning. Seating is limited to just 12 tables spread out […]

$48 – $58

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Free Vacation Guide

Plan your visit with our FREE 2025 Vacation Guide! Consider it the ultimate road map to Franklin with our top recommendations for where to stay, eat, shop, and explore.